118 Bundall Rd, Bundall

Private patients do not require a referral and those who have private health insurance can claim a fee rebate at the time of consultation using our HICAPS billing.

Patients suffering chronic health issues may be eligible for inclusion in the Enhanced Primary Care Programme (EPC) in which Medicare will fund up to five (5) physiotherapy sessions per calendar year. Your local doctor can provide you with the relevant referral (www.capdivgp.com/content/Document/).

Of course we welcome all Veteran Affairs, Work Cover and Motor Vehicle Accident patients. Your GP can provide you with the relevant referral documentation.

Acute Injures – What you need to know

By Peter Georgilopoulos, APA Sports Physiotherapist, Spine and Body Gold Coast.   The term “acute” refers to an injury that has occurred recently as compared to “chronic” which describes an injury persisting for three months


Are sit-ups and crunches bad for my back?

Sit-ups and crunches are generally considered the primary core exercise. They are often prescribed by well meaning personal trainers and coaches attempting to offer solutions to clients suffering low back pain or as a preventative
